Monday, September 24, 2018

Back to 5th Grade

Back to 5th Grade


5th grade.  Most people are there once when you're what, like 10 or 11 years old? We went St. Anthony Park Elementary to meet a group of 5th grade students that we will be teaching when they take a field trip to the fairgrounds.  Now I don't remember what 5th grade was like besides going outside to play during recess so I didn't know what to expect.  We had a few minutes to ask the teachers some questions before meeting the class, and those minutes went fast.

Then we met the class.

Their energy was all over the board and they were more then willing to share their stories.  Now I wasn't scared to met them but we didn't really have a plan so it was at the mercy of the kids and with help from their teacher it was a very informative session.  We found out that many of them have traveled all over the world from New Zealand, Thailand, Kenya, to England and many more.  Many have had an agriculture experience by visiting a farm or zoo or another place that connects them to the natural world.  After our time with them I knew it would be a fun day at the fairgrounds when they come visit and participate at our stations.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Sep 13. 2018

 Cultural Competence

Today in my Human Relations - Applied Skills for School & Society class we learned about some theories and ideas that relate to culture.  One stuck with me which was about Cultural Intelligence/Intercultural Competence (CQ).  It talks about how learning and taking part in a new culture is a skill that some people have while others learn.  It was stated that Peace Corp members are good at this because they have to work with many different individuals and have a changing culture they work in depending on where they are stationed.  It made me think of James Bond (there's going to be lots of James Bond references as we adventure) in Skyfall.  
He is virtually one of the locals now as he entertains the crowd with his nerve at what must be a deadly bar game.  Bond has a strong CQ because he blends into the crowd and locals easy even though he may not speak the language.  It was an interesting idea because this might be why some individuals are better at traveling than others.  Similar to the Amazing race.

Sep 11. 2018

Starting a blog

They tasked us with creating a blog and keeping up with it.  This is me buttoning up for the challenge and trying something new so lets see how this goes.  Follow along and we'll see where this adventure takes us. Detjen out.