Friday, November 9, 2018

Class Management #AFEE 5111W #AFEE 5697

November 8 . 2918
Daily Schedule

 Today my focus was on three different parts; 1. Classroom management 2. IEP & 504 3. Building relationships.  Compared to my first day where half the day was a field trip today was my first day of classroom instruction so I wanted to see how Mr. B ran his classroom and how he educates.  I can see how his experience comes through in how he operates and tricks he has learned.

Online Test Taking
Everyday he has his calendar posted at the front of the room which is posted in his Schoology for his classes and is linked with Google calendar so it is easily accessible and easy to edit.  It is repeated so he only needs to adjust dates and if there are any additions to add like my introduction.  This is good for the students because they come in, see what they have to turn in if any, start work on any bell work, and can see what they are going to be working on or learning about.

Assessment Guide
Our food science classes were taking their unit 4 tests and this is done online through Schoology. I was unable to take the test myself (oh darn) but it looked similar to quizzes and tests we may have done on Canvas or Moodle.  The students use Chromebooks and we are unable to remotely monitor or control what they have open so we have to observe their screens from the back of the room.   This meant watching if students are looking at each others screens, if there are more tabs open, or cell phones.  This was really smooth because the students get their results instantly and it goes into the gradebook so little work on our end.  Mr. B does this for quizzes, tests, and even the final which I thought was cool but scary if wifi goes down.  He said the school is usually really reliable with wifi and hasn't had problem and needed a paper backup.

For students who are worried about their grade he laid out how he assess and what is allowed for each one. (retest, notes, etc...)

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